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Title: Tick-born infections and invasions in the Republic of Belarus
Authors: Subotina, I.
Osmolovsky, A.
Fadeenkova, E.
Keywords: Ветеринарная паразитология
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Белоцерковский национальный аграрный университет
Citation: Subotina, I. Tick-born infections and invasions in the Republic of Belarus / I. Subotina, A. Osmolovsky, E. Fadeenkova // Науковий вісник ветеринарної медицини : збірник наукових праць / Білоцерківський національний аграрний унiверситет. - Біла Церква : БНАУ, 2020. - Вип. 2 (160). - С. 56-64. - DOI 10.33245/2310-4902-2020-160-2-56-64.
Abstract: On the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the growth of infectious and invasive diseases of humans and animals, caused by ticks and insects, continues. The study of the ecological, logistic and phenological patterns of ontogenesis of ixodid ticks in different climatic zones of the Republic of Belarus, the development of various methods for monitoring and predicting the number, timing of the increase in the population and the increase in the activity of ixodids seems relevant.The purpose of the study was to analyze the features of the distribution, species composition and seasonality of the attack of ixodid ticks in different climatic zones of the Republic of Belarus over the past 5 years.To determine the seasonal activity of ticks and the seasonality of a number of tick-borne infections and infestations among animals, both our own research on the collection of ticks, the selection and examination of blood (blood smears), and the collection of reporting data from veterinary clinics (private and public), data from regional veterinary stations, reporting Ministry of Health data for 2016–2020 to study the features of seasonal dynamics and climatic-geographical features of the distribution of both tick-carriers themselves and tick-borne infections and invasions among animals and the population. The data on the distribution, species composition and seasonality of the attack of ixodid ticks in different climatic zones of the Republic of Belarus are analyzed. A tendency is shown to change the season of tick activity and the seasonality of tick-borne infections and invasions towards their registration throughout the year (all seasons of the year). A change in the habitat of ticks and their wide distribution in the urban area were revealed. An increase in the number of registered cases of seasonal invasions and infections, both among the population and among domestic animals, has been established.
Description: ixodid mites, tick infections, invasion, animals, population, the Republic of Belarus
Appears in Collections:2011-2020

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