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Showing results 144 to 163 of 24526 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Sarcocystosis of cattle in UkraineZvorygina, V. E.; Prus, M. P.
2024SARS-CоV-2 - биологические и молекулярно-генетические особенностиСубботина, И. А.; Семенов, В. М.; Куприянов, И. И.; Егоров, С. К.
2023Seasonal dynamics of helminthiases in sheep in UzbekistanSafarov, Kh. A.
2021«SMART-обучение» как новая образовательная модель: отношение педагогов и обучающихсяКролевецкая, Е. Н.; Черных, А. А.
2016"Social media marketing" как современный инструмент продвижения брендовЛюбецкий, П. Б.; Лагута, А. А.
2019«Sport ku radosci» - XXI lat tradycji w panstwowej wyzszej szkole zawodowej w raciborzuKryk, Gabriela; Gabzdyl, Jolanta
2022The status quo of educationand the art students under the COVID-19 pandemicHanXu
2021Structural changes in toxic liver dystrophy in the forest Martes (Martes Martes, 1758)Zhurov, D.; Lobareva, O.
2019The study of the bactericidal action of a complex compound based on silver and iodineKrasochko, P. A.; Shienok, M. A.; Ponaskov, M. A.; Pritychenko, A. V.; Kalesnikovich, K. V.
2020Study of the influence of silver nanoparticles on the morphology of bacterial cells of Escherichia coli by atomically power microscopyPonaskov, M. A.; Kolesnikovich, K.; Astapenko, K.
2021Surgical approach for excision of pyometra in catsZhurba, V. A.; Hamiyeh Mahammad; Kirdan, O. V.
2022Surgical approach to remove pyometra in female dogsHamieh Mahammad; Kirdan, O. V.
2017Tea culture in ChinaKartunova, A. I.; Bi Kaixuan
2019Telesna a sportova vychova vo vzdelavani deti materskych a zakladnych skol v Slovenskej RepublikeBernatova, R.; Vadasova, B.
2018The activity of recombinant taqpolymerase enzymes purified by means of different fast protein liquid chromatography methodsKadushko, R. V.; Sriganeshalingam Srishangna
2016The aincient city of Lebanon ByblosKurdzeko, J. P.; Moukalled, A.
2020The effect of acorus calamus preparative forms on the blood morphology and biochemistryZacharchenko, I. P.; Kanopskaya, V.
2018The effect of thyroid hormones on the intensity of lipid peroxidation in stressGusakova, E. A.; Djohore, E. A.; Rymashevskaya, A. I.; Kostyuchkova, A. A.
2020The efficacy of the drug "Doramectin KM 1%" for strongylatoses of the gastrointestinal tract in cattleZaharchenko, I. P.; Yatusevich, V.; Jakubtsova, S.
2020The evaluation of antibiotic resistance development to azitromycin in Salmonella entericaKrasochko, P. P.; Pritychenko, A. V.; Miahchilo, E.; Pritychenko, V.