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Showing results 69 to 88 of 23835 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Ecological problems in BangladeshKuntsevich, Z. S.; Rahman Mahfuzur; Abdul Monayem; Akter Mahima
2019The effectiveness of a comprehensive treatment regimen using sodium thiosulfate with gastrointestinal diseases in calves with intoxication syndromeБелко, А. А.; Мацинович, М. С.; Петров, В. В.; Мацинович, А. А.
2018Efficient re-sequencing approach to Toll-like receptor polymorphism screening in cattle using the PacBio platformKalashnikov, A. E.; Novak, K.
2020Electro-colloidal silver: an exceptional antimicrobial factorЭйди, М. Я.
2021English for animal husbandry. Английский язык. Сборник учебных текстовКартунова, А. И.; Калишук, И. Е.
2023Enterosorbents in complex therapy of diarrheal diseases in calvesBogomoltseva, M. V.; Bogomoltsev, A. V.; Kartunova, A. I.
2023Epizootology of cattle and poultry helminths in uzbekistan's bukhara and navoi regionsAkramov, K. Sh.; Meyliyev, S. S.
2017EponymsVasilyeva, T. K.; Yakovleva, V. A.; Titenkova, K. S.
2021Ethological methods for the selection of young pigs for herd replacementDoylidov, V.
2021Etymological and semantic features of idioms in EnglishKruchenkova, T.; Agafonova, O.
2023Examination of cattle helminthiasis in the regions of Samarkand and KashkadaryaMeyliev, S. S.
2020Experience in the treatment of mastitis in cows in the Tyumen regionSidorova, K. A.; Panteleeva, E.
2021Experience of two-components anesthesia on laboratory animals during an acute experimentIvanov, A. V.; Abou Assi Weam; Shaito Hanaa
2023Exploring the possible impact of «Open AI» on the transformation and development of China`s industryXia Haosheng
2014Fasciola hepatica L., 1758 в функционирующей паразитарной системе жвачных животных в Республике Беларусь (эволюция проблемы)Ятусевич, А. И.; Братушкина, Е. Л.; Ятусевич, И. А.; Скуловец, М. В.; Вербицкая, Л. А.; Протасовицая, Р. Н.
2017Fatality percentages of Sri Lankan leopards (Panthera pardus kotiya) killed in human activities in Sri LankaWeerasekera, D. S.; Jayawardana, N. U.; Fernando, D.
2017Filler wordsKalishuk, I. E.; Giruta, K. N.
2017Florа аnd fauna of Chernobyl 30 years after the accidentKartunova, A. I.; Shcherbinin, Y. I.
2016From the history of water disinfectionKartunova, A. I.; Shindila, Y. M.
2021Functioning of euphemisms in different discoursesBek, V.